Revenue Share

EARN is committed to rewarding its community members through a dual revenue share mechanism, providing both dynamic and stable options for earning.

EARN provides community members with both a dynamic, market-driven revenue share through token holding and a stable, fixed-income option through LIQUID NFTs. This flexibility allows participants to choose the method that best aligns with their financial goals and risk tolerance, ensuring that every member has the opportunity to benefit from the growth and success of the EARN ecosystem.

Earning Revenue Share by Holding $EARN Tokens

Community members who hold $EARN tokens can passively accumulate revenue share through a reflection mechanism tied to transaction fees. Every time a $EARN token is bought, sold, or transferred on Ethereum Mainnet, a transaction fee is imposed, and these fees are redistributed proportionally among all $EARN holders. This means that the more $EARN tokens a member holds, the more revenue they will earn over time. The amount of revenue share is directly linked to trading volume, allowing holders to maximize their earnings during periods of high activity while also benefiting from potential price appreciation of the token.

Stable Revenue Share Through LIQUID NFTs

For those seeking a stable and predictable revenue share, EARN offers the option to purchase LIQUID NFTs. These NFTs provide a guaranteed return of 30% APY (Annual Percentage Yield) on the initial purchase, with the revenue share paid out in $EARN tokens. This offer is available until June 2029 and allows LIQUID NFT holders to earn a fixed dollar amount each month, independent of market volatility. Over the full 5-year period, LIQUID NFT holders can achieve up to a 50% increase on the initial purchase price. The fixed return is ideal for members who prefer consistent earnings while still benefiting from the potential appreciation of $EARN tokens. It's important to note that as the offer period progresses, the total yield for later purchasers decreases linearly.

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